
Familiarity with different types of creams

Booloosh patisserie
Booloosh patisserie
8/19/2022 11:14:00 AM
Familiarity with different types of creams
Familiarity with different types of creams

Half and Half
This name is assigned to it due to its components. Because half of this substance is milk and half of it is cream. For this reason, it is also called milk cream in Persian. Milk cream can be prepared in the market. Several dairy manufacturers have produced this product. But we are going to introduce you to some ways so that you do not need to buy it.
There is usually milk in our refrigerators. Cream is more likely to be in refrigerators or freezers. Especially since it is possible to buy cream from any store. Skim milk is not sold everywhere.


What is Huff & Huff?
Cream milk is a combination of equal amounts of milk and light cream and contains about 10 to 12% fat. The main difference between Huff and Huff and other dairy products used in recipes is the same percentage of fat. The fat content of skim milk is higher than regular milk and at the same time less than light cream. The main use of skim milk is in coffee and other beverages. However, it should be used in some recipes (such as this pomegranate cake recipe).


Half and half milk substitutes
We now introduce methods to make skim milk by combining different proportions of milk, butter, light cream and heavy cream, or have a suitable alternative with the same percentage of fat. Depending on what you have at home and which type of light or heavy cream you are most comfortable with, choose one of the following options for preparing Huff & Huff:

Combine 1/2 cup milk + 1/2 cup light cream
This is the basic formula of regular whipped cream. Needless to say, cream is suitable for both beverage and cake use (provided light cream is included in the recipe).

Combine 3/4 cup milk + 1/4 cup heavy cream
How to prepare heavy cream will be mentioned below. This mixture is completely creamy and will be heavier than milk cream.
For coffee: Suitable. Of course, it is known that it gives more concentration to the drink than milk cream.
Suitable for cake baking: The final product will taste even better than when you use skim milk.

Ingredients: 2/3 cup dry milk or skim milk + 1/3 heavy cream
This combination is closer to Huff and Huff. This may be a popular alternative for many of you, as low-fat milk is always in most people's refrigerators. Also suitable for use in cakes and beverages.


Light Cream
Light cream contains about 20% fat. Commonly used in beverages such as coffee. This amount of fat is not enough for light cream to be beaten and shaped. Also, its taste is not heavy on the deliciousness and richness of the cream. However, this cream, also known as coffee cream, is heavier than Huff & Huff.



Light cream alternatives
As light cream is not widely available, you can use alternatives. Especially if you want to use light cream for drinks, you can use the same cream. Of course, it may not taste as good as you expect. But do not worry, heavy cream can also be a substitute for light cream. Simply mix the heavy whipped cream in a ratio of 1/2 1 to 1 with the milk. In fact, combine 1/2 of a serving of heavy cream with 1 serving of milk.

Of course, non-dairy alternatives to light cream have also been suggested including almond milk, coconut milk and so on. Because the fat percentage of these ingredients is similar to the fat percentage of light cream. But the same alternative introduced with a combination of heavy milk and cream seems easier and more accessible.
The proposed alternatives are suitable for a variety of drinks, cakes and pastries. Just keep in mind that dairy products are always prone to closing. Therefore, you should not heat or boil them at high temperatures.


Whipping Cream
You may also notice this type of cream in different recipes. Of course, considering that its fat percentage is 30%, it is close to heavy cream. For this reason, recipes that are compatible with greasy creams usually use the same heavy cream and are less referred to as whipping cream.

However, you should know that this type of cream is not exactly the same as Singin cream. Although it is so oily that it can swell, puff, and take shape, its firmness is not as heavy as cream, and it may become liquid again after a while of stirring. In general, the higher the fat content of the cream, the better it forms and is more suitable for use in cake and pastry decorations.


Heavy cream
This cream is not very healthy due to its high percentage of fat, but it is one of the most important ingredients in many recipes. The fat percentage of this cream is between 36 to 40%. An important feature of heavy cream is that you can easily make it at home. As we said before, with heavy cream you can make all kinds of creams and pastry creams. Heavy cream is very suitable for stirring and taking shape due to its high fat content. Keep in mind that this cream may be referred to as "heavy whipped cream" in some recipes.



How to prepare heavy cream
All you need is butter and milk. Just mix 2/3 cup milk with 1/3 cup butter. It is important to observe the stated ratio. Therefore, if you intend to prepare any amount of cream, you should mix milk and butter according to this ratio.
First, melt the butter over a low heat. Be careful not to put the butter directly on the stove, as it will boil and burn quickly. The butter should just melt and not boil at all.
The milk should be put at room temperature for some time to lose the cold of the refrigerator. Let the butter cool after melting. At this stage, add the butter and stir. Note that the amount of stirring of this mixture is also important. Stirring for about 3 minutes is usually recommended for a gentle stirring speed. So do not stir the mixture too much.
Your heavy cream is ready. The cream can be stored in a container with a lid for 1 to 2 days in the refrigerator.


Double Cream




It is the most versatile cream among the types of fresh creams that can also be used as heavy cream. The term "double cream" is used in the United States as a name for heavy cream or whipping cream. But it is actually fatter than them. Double cream contains 48% fat. It is also because of this high fat that it can be easily beaten and increased in volume to take shape.


Uses of double cream
To decorate on fruits and use in puddings.
Used in confectionery, cooking and even cooking.
Use the beaten and shaped form and serve separately.
Double cream is perfectly suitable for use in funnels and piping. Therefore, it is widely used in decorating cakes and desserts.

Double cream alternatives
Whipping cream
As mentioned, there is a lot of connection between this type of cream and heavy cream and whipping cream. Various sources emphasize that you can use whipping cream instead of double cream. Of course, if your use (for example, to decorate a cake) is such that you need a strong form of double cream, you should know that whipping cream does not retain its formed shape as well as double cream. Therefore, for such uses, it is better to apply the whipping cream at the last minute to keep it in shape for a longer time.

1 cup heavy cream + 1 tablespoon buttermilk
Pour these two ingredients into a glass jar with a lid. Close the glass lid tightly and shake for a minute.
Now let the mixture stand for 12 hours. or to remain constant until the mixture is very thick but still liquid. You can now use this alternative.


How and how much double cream is stored
In the freezer for 5 days and if the package is opened (for double creams produced in factories), it can remain healthy for 3 days. But if it is slightly beaten, you can keep it frozen in the freezer for up to 2 months.


Clotted Cream




This cream is the thickest and richest cream among all types of creams. Coagulated cream is traditionally made in Devon or Cornwall. That's why you may have heard of this type of cream called Devon (Devon or Devonshire). Coagulated cream has 55 to 60% fat. This type of cream is not recommended for cooking and confectionery, because it breaks down and disappears due to heat.


Uses of clotted cream
It is traditionally served with cream.
It is also delicious for serving with fresh fruit and ice cream.
Ideal for filling desserts.
It can also be used well in sauces.
It is also a great and delicious seasoning for fresh berries.

How to prepare coagulated cream
To do this, you need 2 cups of heavy unpasteurized cream. But it is more important than that time. You should start making the cream at least 3 days before you want to use it! but do not worry. The total time you have to spend making it during this time may not be more than ten minutes.
The basis of the work is to expose the heavy cream to a gentle heat to separate the buttermilk. Now follow the instructions below.

first day
1- Preheat the oven to 80 degrees Celsius (180 degrees Fahrenheit).
Pour 2 cups of heavy cream into a shallow bowl or glass jar (such as Pyrex). The purpose of choosing such a container is that the cream rises to a height of 3 or 4 cm in the container and does not have much depth. The key is to have a large surface area.
3- Put the cream in the oven for 12 hours at the said temperature and without covering its surface. You can do this overnight.

second day
1- After 12 hours of heating, a membrane or shell forms on the cream. Carefully remove the pan from the oven and allow to cool to room temperature. When the cream has cooled, cover the dish and refrigerate for 8 hours. You can actually do this overnight.

third day
1- After cooling, gently remove the thick layer of clotted cream from the surface of the dish and  drop  the liquid below it as well. If frozen, it can be kept for 1 month.
2- Gently stir this coagulated cream to create a soft texture. (Unlike other types of creams, clotted cream does not need to be stirred vigorously.)
3- Store the cream in the refrigerator or freezer with the following conditions.
Note: The liquid that remains at the bottom of the container is the milk. Store and consume it in a sealed container. This milk is especially ideal for baking cakes and pastries.


How and how much cream is stored
Can be stored in the refrigerator for one week and in the freezer for 2 weeks. However, if you keep it frozen, this period will reach 1 month.

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