

Booloosh patisserie
Booloosh patisserie
8/19/2022 11:28:00 AM


The dough comes out
Baking is a process in which gas enters the dough to make the bread that is prepared lighter and easier to chew. In most breads, sourdough is used. But there are some breads that are prepared for religious ceremonies, and the dough of these breads does not rise.


Chemical Processes During the Baking Dough Process, sourdough is used to make most doughs rise. Sour dough ferments the carbohydrates in flour or sugar and produces carbon dioxide gas.
Sour dough is usually used to make bread at home or in factories. This gas makes the bread crispy and gives it a good aroma and taste. Sour dough gives a sour taste to the dough and during the fermentation process, it breaks down some of the carbohydrates in the dough. This makes the bread easier to digest. Another property of sourdough is that it keeps the bread fresh for longer.
In preparing the dough, sour dough is mixed with other dough ingredients and kneaded well. The dough is then set aside (so that the dough rests). Gradually increase the volume of the dough and after this process is over, the dough is cooked. It takes less than a full day for the dough to rise.
Bread in different cultures
There are significant differences in the way bread is prepared in different parts of the world. In Iran, apart from the preparation of fancy breads that are prepared from abroad, traditional types of bread are baked; Including Lavash bread, Sangak, Barbari, Taftoon, each of which has its own special preparation method.
In foreign countries, breads that have a smooth texture and are packed in thin slices are usually used. These breads are known as "toast". In preparing different types of sandwiches, another group of breads is usually used under the name of "baguette". These breads are thick and there is a free space inside them that accommodates the ingredients inside the sandwich in this part. Bakers often use sesame seeds, both to decorate and to flavor different types of bread.


  • White bread is bread made from white flour; That is, flour in the preparation of which only grains are used.
  • Brown bread is bread that is used in the preparation of flour, seeds and 10% of grain husk (bran).
  • Wholemeal bread is bread in which whole wheat (grain with bran) is used in the preparation of flour.
  • Wheat germ bread is bread to which wheat germ powder has been added.
  • Cereal bread is a brown bread to which other types of cereals have been added as whole grains (crust with grains).

History of bread

Bread is one of the oldest foods prepared by man. Its history dates back to the late Stone Age. It was then that the grains were first mixed with water and then the dough was baked.

In ancient Greece, making bread was one of the most important parts of cooking, but because it was used in religious ceremonies, it was also of religious importance.
The first closed oven for cooking food, including bread, was probably built by the Greeks. In European history, at least since the 1000th century BC, bread has been the staple food.
Sliced ​​breads have been made since 1912. At first, no one welcomed this type of bread. Because people thought that sliced ​​bread would soon become stale. But since 1928, breads have been cut and then packaged. Since then, the initiative has been welcomed by the people.
For years, rich people ate white bread and poor people dark bread. In the old days, white bread was considered good quality bread, and because it was more expensive, only the rich could afford it. But since the twentieth century, that perception has changed. Because it has been scientifically proven that dark breads contain nutrients and more nutritional value; At the same time, white breads are less used due to lack of nutrients.
Bread preparation instructions
1- Preparing flour
2- Preparing the dough


Flour is one of the most important ingredients in a variety of foods. It is a powdery substance obtained from grains or other starches. Flour is usually made by grinding wheat grains but corn, buckwheat (rye), barley, chickpeas and rice are also used to make flour.
Flour is based on starch, which is one of the most complex types of carbohydrates. Usually, when we talk about flour, we mean wheat flour, because this type of flour is the main part of the flour needed to make bread and pasta. There is a reason to turn it into any form. This property of gluten causes the result ing gases to remain in the dough, and it is the presence of these gases that causes the brittleness and spongy state of the final product. This property of wheat flour is very important in preparing different types of bread and cakes.

Types of flour
Most of the flours used today are made from wheat.
Wheat flour varies in gluten content. The flour used to make bread usually has a high gluten content, which helps maintain the firmness of the bread along with its crispness, and the bread retains its shape and does not crumble. Flours that contain less gluten are softer and their product is very crisp and vulnerable. For example, the flours used in the preparation of cakes and sweets have the lowest amount of gluten, and this makes some types of sweets brittle.


Flours used to make pasta are usually more gluten-free than baking flours.
Multifunctional flour is wheat flour with a moderate amount of gluten. This flour is used to make a variety of breads, cakes or pastries for home use. There are many fans of this flour.
Depending on which parts of the wheat plant is used to prepare the flour, for example, which part of the starch, the protein or the plant sprout, the bran or the fibrous tissue, three types of flour can be prepared:
1. White flour is prepared only from the inner part or starch of the wheat plant.
2. Whole wheat flour is prepared from all the mentioned parts (sprouts, bran, starch, etc.).
3. Wheat germ flour is a flour that is made only from the starch and germ part of the plant and the bran is separated from it.
Whole wheat flour is used, especially in the preparation of whole grain or digestive biscuits, which are known in Iran as golden stem biscuits. In the preparation of these biscuits, wheat grains and bran are used together and are very nutritious.


Flour and type of consumption
Corn flour is very popular amongst South Americans and Mexicans. White corn flour is sometimes called cornstarch. Wholemeal corn flour is used in a variety of Mexican dishes, including tortillas.
Buckwheat flour is used to make sourdoughs for German and Scandinavian breads. This flour is usually mixed with wheat flour and then used because its gluten content is very low. Some German breads are made entirely from buckwheat flour.
Rice flour has a special place in Asian cuisine. Most rice flour is usually made from white rice. Therefore, its starch is pure. Of course, wholemeal flour made from brown rice is also made in factories.
Chickpea flour is widely used in Indian cuisine. Of course, in Iran, this type of flour is used in the preparation of sweets.
Flour can also be made from soybeans, starches, potatoes and other foods that are not considered cereals.

In the past, flour was made both in factories and by hand. But due to lack of facilities, grinding flour between stones, etc., flours had significant amounts of gravel and damaged teeth.
One of the ancient methods of flour production is the use of two singles

It was a millstone. These stones were made from rocks and two pieces of stone were ground with the help of hands to grind the grain between them. Animals were later used to spin millstones. With the construction of wind and water mills, the work became much easier.




Definition of dough
Dough refers to all the ingredients that are made by mixing flour made from whole grains with water, butter, milk and eggs. These ingredients are usually kneaded well and then used in the preparation of breads, cakes, cookies, tarts, pies, etc.


A good dough should be light and fluffy and, at the same time, able to withstand the weight of any ingredients that may be placed inside. Adding a substance to make the dough will make the final product brittle and hollow. Of course, in some countries, such as India, they act very quickly to prepare bread. They make dough quickly to make flat breads, including ruti bread, lavash bread, and tortilla bread, and bake it without letting the dough rise. The mentioned breads are made in many parts of the world today.
Rolled doughs are also used around the world to make a variety of breads and pastries. Flours such as wheat flour, corn flour and rice flour are used to make these doughs.
Good dough should be smooth and one-handed and there should be no large air bubbles inside. Because the presence of large bubbles when baking the dough, spoils the texture of the final product. Keep in mind that baking the dough for a long time will form gluten chains and harden the final product. So making dough and baking it is an art in itself that is not easy to achieve. The dough should usually be baked to the point that the product is easily edible.
In a bowl, pour some flour and then a hole in the middle of the flour

Make and pour sour dough into the hole. Then add two cups of boiling water to the mixture and stir regularly. Then gradually add the flour and knead well by hand until the dough does not stick to the hands. Then add some salt to the dough. Now the dough is ready. Cover it with a cloth. This dough should rest for at least an hour. Of course, some people rest the dough all night.
The place where we put the dough to rest should be warm. In a cold place, the dough does not become very bulky and, so to speak, does not rise completely.
Once rolled, the dough is ready to bake. After sprinkling some flour on the dough, spread it as desired and bake it in a preheated oven. To find out if the oven is fully heated or not, pour some flour into the oven. If it turns brown immediately, it means the oven is hot.
In this type of bread, only water, flour and sourdough were used; But there is another type of bread that uses milk and eggs to make it. Mix sourdough with warm water and milk. Then add some butter to the ingredients and let it dissolve. Then add the eggs to the ingredients and stir. Then add the flour little by little until the dough does not stick to the hands. The dough is ready. We put it in a cloth to come out and at the same time, we turn on the oven. Roll the dough to your liking and place in the oven.

Examining different types of bread from another perspective
Bread is a food that is obtained by kneading the main ingredient of flour and dough and combining them with water or oil and sometimes salt and sugar and cooking the dough in the oven. There are different types of bread that according to the customs of different ethnic groups and nations, and each of them is cooked according to the climate of the people of the region. For example, in cold regions, hot condiments such as ginger or even pepper are used in the composition of bread dough. In the tropics, dates are also used in the composition of flour or bread dough. Baguette bread is made from sourdough.



  • Tabun bread is bread like teak bread, which is also baked by nomads, but in underground ovens.
  • Lavash bread is a thin, three-millimeter-diameter thin loaf made of unleavened dough or "low-fat" dough. This bread is also called tanoori bread or taftoon bread. Bread that is made from the same dough but is very thin is called bloody bread, which is very thin after baking.
  • Sangak bread is a softer bread than Lavash with a thickness of 9 mm, which is common in big cities and the dough is "rolled", Sangak bread is also called dough bread.
  • Barbary bread is a slightly stiffer bread with a thickness of 1.8 cm, which has a dough like a stone bread. This bread is actually called Berber nomads that one of the Qajar kings settled in the south of Tehran in the last century.
  • Butter or dry bread (dry bread) is made from unleavened dough, but sheep oil has also been added. After baking, it becomes dry and crispy like biscuits. Bread is either oily or ordinary, often with sesame seeds, or sweet, with grape juice or sugar added to the dough.
  • Shermal bread (Dashtari bread) is a delicate and beautiful bread like cake that is eaten on Eid days.
  • Gulaj (Ghalaj), which is like Barbary bread but its thickness is about 4 cm and is common in Mazandaran and Gorgan.


Common types of bread

rice bread
Rice bread is a type of sirens and souvenirs belonging to the city of Kermanshah, Iran. In preparing this sweet, which has a special reputation among Iranians. Rice flour, wheat flour, powdered sugar, solid oil, rose eggs and cardamom are used.


Toast is a type of English sliced ​​bread that is toasted by placing it in heat. Basically, the word toast in English means roasting and frying against heat (usually fire). Toast is usually toasted by placing it inside an electric toaster. You can also toast this type of bread in the oven, on the tray.


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