
Barley bread

Booloosh patisserie
Booloosh patisserie
8/19/2022 12:53:18 PM
Barley bread



Barley bread is one of the most popular diet breads that is baked in various types and models. Baking homemade barley bread has many advantages. Its most important advantage is ensuring the health of the bread and ensuring the absence of harmful additives.


How to make homemade barley bread
Barley bread has many properties and you should definitely include it in your diet, but if the sudden change of bread from wheat to barley does not suit your taste, you can use the combined method of wheat and barley. The ingredients for this unique and well-baked bread are as follows:


Ingredients required quantity
2 cups barley flour
Wheat flour (bakery) 2 cups
1 glass of water
Dry yeast powder 1 tbsp
5 tablespoons yogurt
1.5 tablespoons sugar
Liquid oil (you can use olive oil.) Half a glass
2 eggs for dough and napkin
Some oil for the napkin
Some salt
Sesame / seed kernels (sunflower or squash) Some to decorate

How to prepare
Before starting the training, we will read the article on how to prepare homemade bread dough.

Sift both flours separately. Add sugar and dry dough to the sifted flours and mix well. Make a hole in the middle of the flour and beat one egg with another egg white with half of the oil in the middle and knead.

The reason for keeping half of the oil is to lubricate your hands with it when kneading. Gradually add water and yogurt to the mixture. You can also add salt at this stage and knead well.

Many friends constantly eat flour to get rid of the stickiness of the dough as soon as possible. Do not make this mistake! Because the texture of your bread will dry. Instead, try adding the right amount of flour and kneading the dough to an ideal state.

Resting the dough at this stage should be about two hours to double or triple the volume of the dough. Then press the dough with your fingers to get the air out. Note that removing the air at this stage does not require strong exercise and is done slowly and better.

This dough is molded thickly and can be one to one and a half inches thick, so do not thin it too much with a rolling pin. After molding the doughs, be sure to rest them for another quarter.

Set the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Now, mix the remaining egg yolks with a little oil and brush on the dough and sprinkle the seeds or nuts you have chosen for decoration on them and put them in the oven. The cooking time is about twenty minutes. When the breads are puffed and the surface is golden, they are ready.



How to make barley bread for diabetics
Bran is one of the best recommended ingredients for improving digestive function and providing B vitamins. You who have chosen to eat barley bread with regard to your health, it is good to include bran in this program to double the nutritional value of your bread. Ingredients for baking whole-grain home-made barley bread are as follows:


Ingredients required quantity
Wheat flour 1 cup
Warm milk 1 glass
Barley bran 1 cup
Dry yeast powder 2 tsp
1/5 teaspoon sugar
Olive oil or liquid one-third of a glass
Optionally a little ginger

How to make homemade wholemeal barley bread
Mix the milk with the batter and sugar in a bowl and let it rest. After about an hour, when the dough is done, add the barley bran, oil and wheat flour. If you want to use ginger, you can add it at this stage. We remind you that ginger has a spicy taste and aroma, and when adding it, pay attention to people's tastes.

Now start kneading the dough in the same way as usual for all doughs. Leave the dough to rest for an hour. Due to the presence of bran in this dough, you should not expect to increase the volume as much as other doughs. However, during the break, you should cover it to reach the maximum possible volume. It is best to have a warm ambient temperature but not abnormal heat reaching the dough.

After this time, divide the dough into 8 parts on the floured surface. Prepare the desired baking tray to place the dough and place 8 chins on it. In this case, rest the dough pieces for another hour. Make sure there is space between the parts because the volume of the dough will increase again.

Just before placing the dough in the oven, turn it on at 180-190 degrees to heat the oven enough and then put the dough in it for 20 minutes.

This way of making homemade barley bread, which is without salt, can be effective in regulating blood pressure. It also prevents the accumulation and deposition of fat in blood vessels and lowers blood sugar.

You can also bake bread at home using an electric toaster or teak.

Barley bread is generally recommended for diabetics or those who are predisposed to diabetes due to heredity. Barley bread as a rich source of B vitamins can be effective in improving the health and beauty of skin and hair and prevent premature hair loss or bleaching. Barley bran is one of the most important anti-inflammatory substances.

We know that in traditional and traditional medicine, constipation is called "Umm Al-Amraz". By preventing this problem, many parts and devices of the body can be healthy and regulated.

There is a great variety of homemade barley bread and you can try more than thirty baking methods for it. There is no doubt that by creating variety, he and his family will increase their desire to consume this bread.



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